How To fix FireEvent Not Working Issue In UFT
While using FireEvent in UFT, sometimes we may face FireEvent not working issue. UFT provides a very easy to use and robust in built method to click on objects in Webpage and other type of applications. This click functionality in UFT is very robust and works almost all the time. Sometimes It doesn’t work and we tend to use fireEvent to achieve click in this scenario.
There will be some scenarios when FireEvent fails as well to achieve the Click operation we are looking for. This difficulty can be overcome by manipulating the ReplayType setting in the UFT.
We have to change the ReplayType to 2 , click on the desired element and change it back to 1.
Change The ReplayType In UFT for FireEvent Not Working issue
This can be done either through scripting or directly by altering the settings.
- Code to change the the ReplayType in UFT.
Browser(“browserObject”).Page(“PageObject”).WebElement(“infoIcon”).FireEvent “onmouseover”
2. How to change the ReplayType in the UI of UFT.

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