Top 50 most asked Selenium Interview questions are given below. Please contact us if you want solution of these question for your preparation. The questions cover basic to advanced level of Selenium Interview questions.
Basic Level Selenium Interview Questions
Automation testing basic concepts
What is automation testing?
What are the types of automation testing?
What are the advantages of automation testing?
Selenium WebDriver application
What is Selenium?
Can you explain the Architecture of Selenium.
What are the benefits of Selenium WebDriver as an automation testing tool?
What’s the advantage of Selenium WebDriver UFT/QTP or any other tool?
What are the different types of locators in Selenium WebDriver?
What’s the difference between the “assert” and “verify” commands?
What’s the difference between a “hard assert” and a “soft assert?”
What is difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().
What are the different types of methods of WebElement provided by Selenium WebDriver?
What is the difference between findElement and findelements?
Write a script to count a number of links present on the page.
What are the types of drivers available in WebDriver?
What is WebDriver and ChromeDriver? How are these two related?
What are the different types of waits in Selenium WebDriver?
What is diffence between driver.quit() and driver.close()?
What is meaning of broken link on a webpage ?
How can we find no of broken links on a webpage ?
Locators in Selenium
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Typecasting in Java
What is typecasting ?
Can you give an example of typecasting in selenium Webdriver?
Do we use typecasting in TakeScreenshot and ? If yes how?
Question related to JavascriptExecutor
What is JavascriptExecutor?
How to execute JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?
What is difference between JavascriptExecutor and ExecuteScript?
What are different types of steps we can perform with the help of JavaScript ?
How to scroll on a page with JavaScript?
What are other uses of JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?
How do you select a value in a dropdown in WebDriver?
Can you name at least 2 things which can’t be automated using Selenium?
WebElement in Selenium WebDriver
What is an WebElement?
What is difference between findElement and findElements?
Where is the return type of above two methods ?
Advanced Level Selenium Interview Questions
Selenium Grid – Practical Implementation
What is use of Selenium Grid?
How to setup Selenium Grid ?
What is hub and node and how to set it up ?
How to perform cross browser testing using Selenium Grid?
How to perform parallel execution using Selenium Grid ?
What is the difference between Parallel execution of TestNG and Selenium Grid?
Automation Framework using Selenium
What is POage object Model?
What are the advantages of Page Object Model (POM)?
What is Junit? Can you explain some of it’s annotations?
What is testNG? Can you explain some of it’s annotations?
How do you print the current running method name?
How do you read and write data stored in an Excel file?
How do you read and write data stored in a properties file?
How to you read and write data stored in an xml file?
How do you read and write data stored in a text file?
How do you manage locators in Selenium WebDriver based automation project ?
What is PageFactory and what are it’s benefits and drawbacks?
What is By in Selenium WebDriver?
How do you connect to data base using Selenium WebDriver?
What is JSON?
Reporting in Automation Framework
How do you maintain log files in your framework?
Have you used Extent reports?
How can we setup reporting in our automation framework?
Implementation of Jenkins with Selenium
What is Jenkins? What is a job in Jenkins?
How do you create a pipeine in Jenkins?
What is meaning of Stages in Jenkins?
What are different stages in Jenkins?
What are different types of Syntax in Jenkins pipeline?
How can we run selenium tests with the help of Jenkins?
How can we run parallel tests with the help of Jenkins?
Besides this, you can also prepare few selenium interview questions related to Database and azure etc.