How to verify the position of an object using UFT on a webpage
We can verify the position of an object using UFT by utilizing two properties named clientWidth and offSetLeft. Suppose that we have two elements namely element1 and element2 and we have to verify if element2 is in the extreme right of element1.
Logic behind verifying position of an object using UFT
To understand the logic behind this, first, we need to understand the two properties we are going to work on and what are they for.
The principle of verifying this is if element2 leaves as much screen width as to contain the element1 width, it means that element 2 is in the extreme right of element 1.
Example code to verify position of an object using UFT and vbscript
'Function Name - VerifyElementPosition
'Arguments - Element1, Element2, Position
'Returns - Nothing, verification
'Purpose - to check if a webelement Element 2 is in the extreme right of Element 1
'Description - to check if a webelement Element 2 is in the extreme right of Element 1
Function VerifyElementPosition(Element1, Element2, Position)
width1= Element1.getROProperty("clientWidth")
width2= Element2.getROproperty("clientWidth")
offsetLeft2= Element2.getROproperty("offsetLeft")
offsetdiff= width1-width2
Select Case ucase(Position)
If offsetLeft2=offsetdiff Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass, Element2.tostring & " should be in " &Position & " of "& Element1.tostring ," "
reporter.ReportEvent micFail, Element2.tostring & " should be in " &Position & " of "& Element1.tostring ," "
End If
End Select
CaptureScreenshot "PositionVerification"
End Function