How to write data into Excel using VBscript
In order to write data into Excel using VBScript, we can leverage Excel.application object. This object provides multiple methods which help us to create, open, close, or delete a workbook or sheet for reading, and writing purposes.
On this page, we have a list of functions for write capability of Excel files using VBscript such as the Creation of an Excel file, write data into Excel using VBScript, and Copy data from one sheet to another using VBScript
Example 1: How to Create an Excel Workbook using VBScript
Function createExcel()
'Create a new Microsoft Excel object
Set myxl = createobject("excel.application")
'To make Excel visible
myxl.Application.Visible = true
wait 2
'Save the Excel file as qtp.xls
myxl.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "D:\qtp.xls"
'close Excel
Set myxl=nothing
End Function
Example 2: How to write data into Excel using VBScript
Function createExcelEnterData()
Set myxl = createobject("excel.application")
'Make sure that you have created an excel file before exeuting the script.
'Use the path of excel file in the below code
'Also make sure that your excel file is in Closed state before exeuting the script.
myxl.Workbooks.Open "D:\qtp.xls"
myxl.Application.Visible = true
'this is the name of Sheet in Excel file "qtp.xls" where data needs to be entered
set mysheet = myxl.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Enter values in Sheet1.
'The format of entering values in Excel is excelSheet.Cells(row,column)=value
mysheet.cells(1,1).value ="Name"
mysheet.cells(1,2).value ="Age"
mysheet.cells(2,1).value ="Ram"
mysheet.cells(2,2).value ="20"
mysheet.cells(3,1).value ="Raghu"
mysheet.cells(3,2).value ="15"
'Save the Workbook
End Function
Example 3: How to Copy data from one sheet to another sheet using VBScript
Function copyOneSheetToAnother()
Set myxl = createobject("excel.application")
'To make Excel visible
myxl.Visible = True
'Open a workbook "qtp1.xls"
Set Workbook1= myxl.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp1.xls")
'Open a workbook "qtp2.xls"
Set Workbook2= myxl.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp2.xls")
'Copy the used range of workbook "qtp1.xls"
'Paste the copied values in above step in the A1 cell of workbook "qtp2.xls"
Workbook2.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste =xlValues
'Save the workbooks
'close the workbooks
set myxl=nothing
End Function