Best UFT Synchronization method – How to handle dynamic wait in UFT/QTP using readyState value 4
In any test automation framework, browser handling is the most important part during automation scripting.
UFT Synchronization – Let’s see how to handle synchronization in UFT. which you can encounter during your work with test automation using UFT.
A robust Synchronization mechanism plays a vital role in making your test stable. If part of your tests fails due to a bad wait function between two clicks, then it is high time to revisit your wait function and make it more error-proof.
Here in the below-written code, we have two assumptions.
- The application is a normal web-based application with a hierarchy as Browser>Page etc.
- The browser returns ReadyState= complete or 4 once it is fully loaded.
It checks 2 things in the same order as given below.
- First, it checks if a page is existing within the first 120 seconds.
- Second, it waits for the browser to return ReadyState=complete or 4
The code will wait using a loop and will keep running unless the readyState turns 4 or complete.
Example code: UFT Synchronization – How to handle synchronization in UFT
Function Wait_Sync()
nBrowser_Count = Browser_Count
If nBrowser_Count > 0 Then
waitCounter = 0
intStartTime = 0
wait 1
waitCounter = waitCounter + 1
If (waitCounter = 120) Then
Exit Do
End If
bPageExistFlag = Browser("CreationTime:=" & nBrowser_Count - 1).Page("title:=.*").Exist(0)
Loop WhilebPageExistFlag = False
On Error Resume Next
Wait 0,500
waitCounter = 0
If bPageExistFlag = True Then
ReadyState_Val = Browser("CreationTime:=" & nBrowser_Count - 1).Page("index:=0").Object.ReadyState
ReadyState_Val = "Loading"
End If
sReadyState_Val = CStr(ReadyState_Val)
If intStartTime = 600 Then
'Print intStartTime
Exit Do
End If
intStartTime = intStartTime + 1
iFinalVal = Eval(InStr(sReadyState_Val,4) > 0 Or InStr(sReadyState_Val,"complete") > 0)
Loop UntiliFinalVal = True
End If
End Function
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